The Stok Monastery / The Stok Palace

The Stok Monastery / The Stok Palace

The Stok Monastery also called The Stok Gompa or Palace is a well known  Buddhist monastery in Leh district. It is in a distance of 13 kms south of Leh town. It was known to be founded by Lama

Lhawang Lotus. And it is known to be found in the 14th Century. It has a notable library which includes 108 volumes of the Kangjur which is a collection of teachings of Lord Buddha and consists of a number of beautiful and mind blowing gardens. It built by King Tsespal Tondup Namgyal in the year 1825. The architecture of this The Stok Monastery is a perfect blend of the traditional and the contemporary architectures.

It is situated in a beautiful locality surrounded by Stok Kangri ranges and The Markha and Indus valleys. The Stok Monastery is a visual treat for visitors. It also consist of ancient paintings in the walls of the palace. The living descendants are to be inherited in The Stok Monastery.

Get Here
By Road : 13 kms from Leh [see map]
By Air : 17 kms from Leh Airport

Eat Here
There are no big restaurants very close. But you can find small food stalls near by , which are run by the locals. but they have got good food. You can avail Chinese food too.

Stay Here
You cannot stay in the palace. But you can stay in the village with the locals . Or in summers you can make a tent and enjoy! while if you can travel a bit you can avail of accommodation in the hotels in Leh. 

When To Visit

If you are planning to visit The Stok Monastery the best time to do so is from March to September.


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